C.S.V. Ichthus Rotterdam

C.S.V Ichthus Rotterdam (Ichthus) is small sized Christian student association with around 70 members. As an association we welcome everyone with open arms to share our lives with each other. Our members come from a wide range of Christian backgrounds, but we come together for the same purpose: to share God and to have fun!

Because Ichthus is a smaller association, we really have time to get to know each other and build close friendships with our fellow Ichthians. One evening per week we organise small group bible study meetings or joint evenings with all members. During these evenings we get to spend time to dive into the Word of God and listen to speakers from all over the Netherlands.

Our activities calendar is filled with a broad selection of other activities such as praise and prayer nights, members weekends, board game nights and a gala; both inside Rotterdam and outside of it where we meet up with the wider and national Ichthus community.

Every year we have an Open Month in September. This is a month filled with activities that are open to anyone, so come see for yourself what Ichthus is all about! For more information and contact you can head to our website. We would love to meet you soon!